Posts tagged friendships
7 Reasons Why You Suck at Comforting Others

After 7+ years of training on this career path and about 2+ years working in the field, I have determined that the average person is… well…. not great at comforting others. I thought when I first began this journey that I was already good at this, I already had the skills, and all this education would be like a “formality”. wow. wrong. I had so much to learn.

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How I escaped the TRAP of people pleasing and found Myself

Have you ever felt like you didn’t know yourself at all?  Like you are just the reflection of the people you are around at any given time?  Do you change your mind about something simply because someone else has the opposite opinion you were holding?  Do you ever just “go along to get along” (as my mother used to say)? Try desperately not to “rock the boat”? Overburdened yourself with the problems of others?  Bitten off more than you could chew simply because you didn’t want to have to say no to someone? Sacrificed your responsibilities for the pleasure of someone else?  Worried yourself sick about why someone is or might be upset with you rather than just asking what’s going on?

Oh, cool, me too.  My name is Bethany and I am a recovering People-Pleaser.

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